Building a Website

| Choosing a Web host | Domain Names | Web Hosting | FrontPage | Server Side Includes | Web Authoring Software | Graphics Software | What NOT to Do | Seeking Inspiration | The Basics | Types of Web site |

Choosing a Web-host

Why not add your own contribution to the internet?

Many people have a website. For some, it is a means of expressing themselves; for example, their artwork, or perhaps just a 'family website' where they can say 'hello' to distant relatives and update them with the latest news.

Choosing a web host

Before you can build a website, you need to choose a web host.

What is a Web Host?

A web host is a company which will rent out a computer, or more usually, part of a computer, known as a server, on which your website will be published on the internet.

First, a word on free web space.

Free Web Space

Most ISP's (Internet Service Providers) offer some free space which you can use, but more often than not, you are limited in the design and you have to use a domain name assigned by the ISP.

For example, personal web pages on would be given a domain name of "" or something along those lines.

Companies specializing in offering free web hosting generally display distracting ads, pop-ups and all manner of things to encourage you to buy the ad-free version and usually offer little by way of choice of design layout, except of course, if you go for the paid version!

Sometimes free web space can be useful. It really depends on what type of web site you are hoping to build and the type of visitors you are hoping to attract.

Back to 'Choosing a Web Host'

Firstly, it is a good idea to sit down and decide just what it is you are hoping to achieve with your website.

For example, is it a hobby site? Do you want to be able to build up a body of work on gardening? Photography? Needle point?

Do you want to share information on some other topic you know a lot about?

Are you hoping to sell a product, or products, directly from the web site?

Once you have thought it through and have a good grasp of the type of web site you want to create, it is probably time to think about which web host will suit your needs.

Next: Domain Names

| Choosing a Web host | Domain Names | Web Hosting | FrontPage | Server Side Includes | Web Authoring Software | Graphics Software | What NOT to Do | Seeking Inspiration | The Basics | Types of Web site |



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