Multiple Sclerosis Facts

Multiple Sclerosis Symptom Facts

Facts about Multiple Sclerosis symptoms

  • The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis may be mild or severe, chronic (long-term) or of short duration; may be transient (appear and disappear very quickly)
  • Symptoms and signs may disappear or may fluctuate in character and intensity
  • The sometimes bizarre and transient nature of symptoms may be mistaken for a psychiatric condition
  • Approx. 40% of Multiple Sclerosis patients have Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS)
  • Approx. 20% of Multiple Sclerosis patients will initially be diagnosed as having Benign Multiple Sclerosis
  • Less than 5% - 10% of patients actually have benign Multiple Sclerosis
  • 55% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will develop optic neuritis at some time or other during their lifetime. 45% of patients do not
  • Approximately 5% - 10% of Multiple Sclerosis patients experience trigeminal neuralgia (tic delaroux) at some stage during the course of the disease
  • Only 15% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will have optic neuritis as a first symptom. 85% will present to their physician with a different symptom
  • Between 20% - 40% of women with Multiple Sclerosis have a relapse within the 3 months post partum (after giving birth)
  • Complete or partial remission of symptoms will occur in approx 70% of patients, particularly during the early stages of the disease
  • Males have a higher tendency to develop Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS)
  • Females tend to experience more relapses than men
  • 5% of Multiple Sclerosis patients exhibit an inappropriate euphoria
  • Approx 50% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis experience cognitive impairment such as difficulty with concentration, attention, memory and poor judgment
  • Approx 50% of Multiple Sclerosis patients will suffer some form of mental disturbance such as depression, mild dementia or organic psychosis
  • 2/3 of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will develop disturbance of sphincter control at some stage during the course of the disease
  • The major bowel complaint is constipation although fecal incontinence may occur occasionally in some patients
  • Depression is common and unrelated to cognitive impairment although it may worsen existing cognitive difficulties
  • Approx 10% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis will suffer severe psychotic disorders such as Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder) and paranoia
  • In approx 80% of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers, heat will cause a temporary worsening of symptoms (Uhthoff's Phenomenon). The heat source may be externally produced, for example, a hot bath; or the result of physical exertion. Removal of the heat source / cooling normally, though not always, eliminates the problem, although this can take from a few minutes to several hours.
  • 60% of neurological signs experienced during hyperthermia (i.e. Uhthoff's phenomenon) are new to the patient.
  • Some heat sensitive patients find a cool bath or swimming temporarily relieves some symptoms
  • Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis patients develop, on average, 20 new lesions per year and will have between 1 – 2 exacerbations per year
  • For every 8 – 10 new lesions shown by MRI, only 1 clinical manifestation (measurable exacerbation) will occur
  • Patients with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis have a higher incidence of spinal cord lesion and exhibit much more rapid development of disability than those with other forms of the disease
  • 1 in every 4, or 25%, of exacerbations are associated with a viral infection
  • Approx 75% - 85% of patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) will go on to develop Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS)
  • Approx 80% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis experience fatigue
  • Spasticity will occur in approx 60% of patients with a progressive form of the disease
  • 80% - 90% of men and 45% - 70% of women will report some form of sexual dysfunction
  • Patients with Multiple Sclerosis have a greater risk of seizure than in the general population
  • Lesions may occur in the Corpus Callosum, an area of the brain thought to be involved in seizures
  • Exercises or physical therapy designed to stretch the muscles, particularly those of the leg, can help prevent contractures, an irreversible shortening of muscles.

See also:

Multiple Sclerosis facts



Multiple Sclerosis

The risk of contracting Multiple Sclerosis if your mother has the disease is approx 1 in 50.

Cause of Multiple Sclerosis

The cause of multiple sclerosis remains a mystery. Many different causes have been proposed and investigated but as yet the cause of multiple sclerosis remains elusive... Read More