Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms


Paranoia, although relatively rare in multiple sclerosis, can occur although this is usually, though not always, in it's 'milder' form.

Paranoia - "A psychotic (personality) disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason."

The term, 'paranoia', is often misused. This generalization of the term has come to associate it with almost any form of suspicion, such as 'being paranoid about internet security', 'paranoid about being found out' (in relation to some minor misdemeanor).

In the true, clinical sense, paranoia is a personality disorder marked by extreme suspicion towards others. In its severest forms, paranoia can be associated with organic brain disease such as schizophrenia.

In multiple sclerosis, paranoia may be associated stress, extreme distress, lesion activity, or mild dementia.

Symptoms of paranoia include:

  • Concern that other people have hidden motives
  • Expect to be exploited by others
  • Inability to collaborate
  • Poor self image
  • Social isolation
  • Detachment
  • Hostility

The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders", fourth edition (DSM-IV), the US manual of the mental health professional; lists the following symptoms for paranoid personality disorder:

  • suspicious; unfounded suspicions; believes others are plotting against him/her
  • reluctant to confide in others due to a fear that information may be used against him/her
  • preoccupied with unsupported doubts about friends or associates
  • maintains unfounded suspicions regarding the fidelity of a spouse or significant other
  • reads negative meanings into innocuous remarks
  • perceives attacks on his/her reputation that are not clear to others, and is quick to counterattack


Early Symptoms

| Early Symptoms of MS |

Arms and Legs

| Foot Drop | Paralysis | Spasticity | Tremor |

Head and Neck

| Adjustment Disorder | Balance | Brain Fog | Cognitive Problems | Concentration | Depression | Dizziness | Emotions | Euphoria | Language | L'Hermittes Sign | Memory Problems | Mental Problems | Optic Neuritis | Paranoia | Psychosis | Speech Problems | Vertigo | Vision Problems |

Body and Body as a whole

| Bladder | Bowel | Fatigue | Numbness | Pain | Sexual Dysfunction | Uhthoff's Phenomenon |


Multiple Sclerosis

The average time between clinical onset of MS and diagnosis by physicians is 4 - 5 years.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are varied and can occur suddenly, then disappear again just as quickly. There are no specific sets of symptoms applicable to any of the types of multiple sclerosis. Additionally, symptoms of multiple sclerosis tend to vary considerably from one person to another and also to be distant in time... Read More