Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis: Early Symptoms of MS

The nature of multiple sclerosis and the vagueness of a symptom appearing here or there over time, without any apparent connection, means there is a lack of data on what can accurately be considered as early symptom of multiple sclerosis.

In addition, it should be noted that an early 'sign' may not be a symptom of multiple sclerosis and may be entirely unrelated.

The following list briefly outlines what have previously been noted as likely to be an early symptom, or symptoms, of multiple sclerosis.

  • unexplained fatigue - this may or may not be resolved with rest. Additionally, the fatigue may be insidious. In other words, fatigue may gradually but relentlessly work its way into your everyday living leaving you unaware, except with some degree of hindsight, that it exists as a 'symptom' rather than just being 'tired all the time'. It has been noted that the fatigue is more likely to occur mid-afternoon. In addition, this may also be accompanied or characterized by increased muscle weakness, mental fatigue, sleepiness or drowsiness
  • sensitivity to heat - known as Uhthoff's phenomenon, is when symptoms become worse when the person is exposed to heat such as a hot shower or from exercise.
  • uncharacteristic clumsiness - dropping things, knocking things over, tripping
  • unexplained weakness in the arms or legs
  • language skills - language skills can be affected in varying degrees and can be affected transiently. This means some days you are fluent (normal) with language and other days or times you are struggling to either 'think of the right words', or somewhere between the language centre of the brain and actually saying the words, the data is changed and an approximation of what you intended to say comes out rather than the words you actually wanted to say. By its very nature, this is difficult to pinpoint or even describe and is often put down to other causes or ignored entirely.
  • slurred speech - slurring or mispronunciation of words without any obvious cause.
  • inability to concentrate - again, often ascribed to some other cause or ignored.
  • depression - often just classed as 'depression' rather than being linked to any underlying organic disease such as multiple sclerosis.
  • disinhibition and / or aggression - inappropriate social behavior.
  • urinary retention and / or incontinence
  • visual disturbances such as blurring and / or transitory eye pain. Approx. 15% - 20% of people with multiple sclerosis will present (medical jargon for 'first' clinical symptom) with optic neuritis.


Early Symptoms

| Early Symptoms of MS |

Arms and Legs

| Foot Drop | Paralysis | Spasticity | Tremor |

Head and Neck

| Adjustment Disorder | Balance | Brain Fog | Cognitive Problems | Concentration | Depression | Dizziness | Emotions | Euphoria | Language | L'Hermittes Sign | Memory Problems | Mental Problems | Optic Neuritis | Paranoia | Psychosis | Speech Problems | Vertigo | Vision Problems |

Body and Body as a whole

| Bladder | Bowel | Fatigue | Numbness | Pain | Sexual Dysfunction | Uhthoff's Phenomenon |


Multiple Sclerosis

2002 – A patient with Multiple Sclerosis can expect to live to average population life-expectancy minus seven years (mean life expectancy - 7 years).

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are varied and can occur suddenly, then disappear again just as quickly. There are no specific sets of symptoms applicable to any of the types of multiple sclerosis. Additionally, symptoms of multiple sclerosis tend to vary considerably from one person to another and also to be distant in time... Read More