Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Brain Fog

'Brain fog' is one of those expressions which seems to slowly creep into the general language.

Brain fog refers to the effect multiple sclerosis has on a person's ability to think clearly.

Generally, it refers to the way processing of information becomes interrupted and slowed as a result of cognitive dysfunction caused by multiple sclerosis, although it can really mean any of the range of cognitive deficits which can be caused by multiple sclerosis.

More specifically, 'brain fog' refers to a type of clouded thinking where the mind itself, the part which is used to accomplish tasks, becomes clouded, as if there is a type of 'mental cataract' obscuring 'internal' vision.


Early Symptoms

| Early Symptoms of MS |

Arms and Legs

| Foot Drop | Paralysis | Spasticity | Tremor |

Head and Neck

| Adjustment Disorder | Balance | Brain Fog | Cognitive Problems | Concentration | Depression | Dizziness | Emotions | Euphoria | Language | L'Hermittes Sign | Memory Problems | Mental Problems | Optic Neuritis | Paranoia | Psychosis | Speech Problems | Vertigo | Vision Problems |

Body and Body as a whole

| Bladder | Bowel | Fatigue | Numbness | Pain | Sexual Dysfunction | Uhthoff's Phenomenon |


Multiple Sclerosis

10% of cases of Multiple Sclerosis are diagnosed after the age of fifty.

Cause of Multiple Sclerosis

The cause of multiple sclerosis remains a mystery. Many different causes have been proposed and investigated but as yet the cause of multiple sclerosis remains elusive... Read More