Multiple Sclerosis Links

Message Boards and Forums

Multiple Sclerosis Message Boards - A quick word.

A brief word on using message boards, particularly if you are 'new to the scene'.

There are a lot of good people who freely offer support and advice who post on message boards.

Unfortunately, there are a few who aren't so nice who seem to get their kicks from trying to upset others. They positively thrive on arguments and disruption. This is known as flaming. Be smart. Ignore them!

Revealing Information

Important! It is always best to err on the side of caution about the type of information you reveal on the internet, such as your date of birth and that type of thing.

For more information, this section of this web site deals with the basics.

The Forums and Message Boards

Unfortunately, there used to be many more forums for people with MS but they have gradually dwindled away over the years. These are the only two I can actually vouch for.

BrainTalk Communities - it's had several incarnations over the years including moves to different domains and this has unfortunately had a major impact on what was at one time probably the biggest and best MS Forum. The Multiple Sclerosis forum can be found here.

MS World - fast moving site. One or two 'hostiles' but ignore them and you'll enjoy using this message board. This is one of the better sites on the internet. My only bug-bear is a rigidly enforced policy which prevents the posting of hyperlinks.



Multiple Sclerosis

Native Indians of North and South America, the Japanese and other Asian peoples have a very low incidence rate of Multiple Sclerosis.

Early Symptoms

The nature of multiple sclerosis and the vagueness of a symptom appearing here or there over time, without any apparent connection means there is a lack of data on what can accurately be considered as early symptom of multiple sclerosis... Read More